African Lion

African lion at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park
African lions can be found in prides of 20 or more females and usually one dominant male. However, there can be up to four males in a pride, usually from the same litter, still only having one dominant male.

When females give birth of two to four young, mothers will take turns babysitting while the others hunt. Females do the hunting at dusk and will kill enough for the whole pride to eat. Males very seldom help in the hunting process. African lions prefer to eat wildebeest and zebras but will also hunt antelope, rhinos, hippos and young elephants if their preferred food choice is scarce.

Our white lions are on exhibit during the first half of the day, while our common African lion is on exhibit during the afternoon.
African lion at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park
 Lake Tobias Wildlife Park, Halifax, PA.
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