
Lake Tobias Wildlife Park Safari Tour fields

Lake Tobias Wildlife Park is located approximately 25 miles north of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and four miles north of Halifax. We are just off Route 225 outside the small town of Fisherville. A large Lake Tobias sign is located at the entrance to Tobias Road.


Street address:

Lake Tobias Wildlife Park
760 Tobias Road
(may appear as "Tobias Drive" on some maps)
Halifax, PA 17032


GPS coordinates:

N 40.50031 (degrees) W 076.89127(degrees) 
N40 29.991 W76 53.514


Driving Directions

Buses – please note:
Buses and heavy vehicles are prohibited from going over Peter’s Mountain (Rt. 225). Alternate route: stay on Rt. 322 West to Rt. 147 North to Halifax. At traffic light in Halifax (147/225 junction), turn left onto Rt. 225 North. Continue on Rt. 225 for approximately four miles to Fisherville. Turn at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park sign.

Coming from the North:
Rt. 225 South to Elizabethville. At the intersection in Elizabethville, continue on 225 South approximately six miles to Fisherville. Turn at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park sign.

Coming from the South: 
Rt. 83 North to Rt. 322 West to Rt. 225 North to Halifax.  At traffic light in Halifax, continue on 225 North approximately four miles to Fisherville. Turn at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park sign.

Coming from I-81 (East & West):
Rt. 81 to Rt. 322 West to Rt. 225 North to Halifax. At traffic light in Halifax, continue on 225 North approximately four miles to Fisherville. Turn at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park sign.

Coming from the Northwest:
Rt. 322 East to Rt. 147 North to Halifax. At traffic light in Halifax, take Rt. 225 North approximately four miles to Fisherville. Turn at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park sign.

Coming from the Turnpike:
Use Harrisburg East Exit (247) to Rt. 283 North to Rt. 322 West to Rt. 225 North to Halifax. At traffic light in Halifax, continue on 225 North approximately four miles to Fisherville. Turn at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park sign.

See accommodations near Lake Tobias Wildlife Park.
 Lake Tobias Wildlife Park, Halifax, PA.
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